Joshua’s Park Campaign Set to Hit $20K Goal

Amherst, NH, April 18, 2021—Travis Warren, president of the Amherst Community Foundation, announced today that the “Going Undercover” campaign is set to hit its $20,000 goal within days. The rapid response by donors to buying and installing new shade structures and trees has propelled the campaign to near-certain victory in just two weeks.

“We’re astonished by the generous, lightning-fast support for the project,” said Warren. “Building so quickly on our past successes shows how community-mind are the people of Amherst.”

The “Going Undercover” campaign, led by longtime resident Sheila Steele, will fund two shade structures by the park’s playground, each outfitted with fabric canopies and picnic tables. It will also pay for a wooden pergola to shade granite benches on the park’s brick patio, as well as five to seven sizable new shade trees.

The campaign got off to a fast start with several large gifts, including those by the Amherst Land Trust, the Milford Rotary Club Foundation, and several private individuals, including gifts by the entire campaign committee. 

“We can’t begin to say how pleased we are that so many people jumped at the chance to make Joshua’s Park even better,” said Steele. “With the fast action by so many donors, we’ll be able to end our campaign within days.”

Steele notes that, with the money in hand, the campaign has initiated the purchase of materials for the park shelters. More spending will follow. Work for all planned park improvements will likely finish by midsummer, directed by the Amherst Recreation Department.

Donors to the campaign with questions should contact